Friday, May 27, 2011

May 2011

This is what one happy customer - Josie - had to say about the May reading with Andy Jackson and Marian Spires:

Thank you so much for yesterday - an absolute triumph. My friend Bev and I will be there again - our treat to selves once a month! I was a little too bold reading yesterday given the quality of so many others, but as I said to Bev on the way home - it is an inspiration to write more! My preference is prose, but we'll see. Your singing was extraordinary and Marian's work... well it was to be expected... just *wonderful*. As were so many of the other readers' works. What a wonderful thing to find that we have this so locally! 

Thanks Josie.

Thanks too, to Andy, who was feeling less than well on the day, but came along to read anyway. You're a star. So glad you did!

Next month we're going to start at 2.30pm. Our cafe, it seems, is becoming more popular with the local lunchtime set who love a chinwag with their nosh. Make a note now so you don't forget.

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